Monday, February 9, 2009


Welcome everyone! This blog is a research project where I am trying to answer this question.How can a dynamic building change the look of a town. I will soon have surveys and other instruments that you can help me answer this question.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I assume that you have seen this already: .
    I like the idea of dynamic buildings making a city more dynamic. I would like to see you come up with a design for a prominent location in Kamloops (or another small city in need of a tourist attraction) in order to demonstrate what you have learned. It does not have to be overly complicated as you will know from looking at Calatrava's work, but it needs to be something that people will talk about and should have some kind of function other than just being a moving sculpture.

  3. Can you specify your thesis a bit better, so we could contribute to your research?

  4. hey walter,
    I would maybe look at doing your thesis on the North Shore of Kamloops cause lets face it, it's no prize. It would be interesting to know if one dynamic building could get the ball rolling on creating a new north shore. David Weise(probably didn't spell that right, the civil 240 instructor) could help you find some contacts for planning strategies that are in place for the north shore. good luck bud and maybe make this blog a little more "dynamic" to drive the point home. just throwing it out there, if you don't like it then trhow it right back.

  5. Hey Walter, just wondering what you meen by dynamic. Are you talking about putting in one of thouse buildings with spinning floors? What elce will be dynamic about the building? I find this topic very interesting.

  6. Hey walter,
    You should check out Dubai. They are putting alot of cool and dynamic ideas into their design and their new structures. If you need some help finding anything I know a couple sites I could show you. Check it out

  7. Walter,

    Hopefully you will get the message about the extra statics class tomorrow (Tues) 8:30 in the computer lab.

